Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Buffalo River - Steel Creek to Kyle's Landing

April and I floated part of the Buffalo River, the first National River, for my birthday. The float was around 8 miles and the river was around 24" of air space at the Ponca low water bridge. It was a little too shallow but a beautiful day for floating. I forgot my SD card for my camera AND I left my phone in the car so my photos are non-existent. Fortunately April brought her camera and we got some shots anyway. If you have the opportunity please come float the Buffalo. It is a beautiful river.
I took the Phantom and I got some decent video of a couple of points of interest. This is about 1/4 a mile past where we put in at Steel Creek Here is Big Bluff, one of the tallest bluff faces in Mid-America. And finally Hemmed-in-Hollow Falls, one of the tallest waterfalls in Mid-America.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kerr Lake - Arkansas River Float

Floated a couple of miles on the Arkansas River today and explored some marsh with my son and my friend Leisa.
We put in at the River Mountain boat ramp (just downstream of Two Rivers Park) and floated across the Little Maumelle River and into the confluence. The sun was out and it was in the upper 50s, perfect weather. We saw some Buffleheads (adult and juvenile) and a brazen Great Blue Heron.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bayou Meto, Jacksonville, AR

We went for a short trip today to Bayou Meto in Jacksonville, AR today. Perfect weather and a perfect day. We only went about 3/4s of a mile up the stream but it was gorgeous. I would have embedded a link to an actual google map but it look like google has disabled that feature for some reason. We were woefully unprepared for the mud and the portaging and we turned back early by a large tree. Next time we'll be better prepared and float further but for an hour or so this was a lot of fun... Photos here