Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Buffalo River - Steel Creek to Kyle's Landing

April and I floated part of the Buffalo River, the first National River, for my birthday. The float was around 8 miles and the river was around 24" of air space at the Ponca low water bridge. It was a little too shallow but a beautiful day for floating. I forgot my SD card for my camera AND I left my phone in the car so my photos are non-existent. Fortunately April brought her camera and we got some shots anyway. If you have the opportunity please come float the Buffalo. It is a beautiful river.
I took the Phantom and I got some decent video of a couple of points of interest. This is about 1/4 a mile past where we put in at Steel Creek Here is Big Bluff, one of the tallest bluff faces in Mid-America. And finally Hemmed-in-Hollow Falls, one of the tallest waterfalls in Mid-America.